Robby Fowler Articles
Personal Brands

5 Reasons I’m Thankful for My Clients

What so many leaders do is focus on how to gobble up more for themselves. (I’ll take 5 bonus points for working “gobble” into line 1 of this Thanksgiving article.) They want more customers for their business. More money from supporters for their non-profit. More people showing up to their church. Too often, leaders go after the MorE in ‘more’.

I’m thankful that is NOT true of you! Most of the readers on my list are actual clients of Robby Fowler Design. And in case you missed it, I am not a huge agency with hundreds of clients. I know every client. Most are now friends if they weren’t before. It’s one of the things I’m most thankful for. Each project represents an opportunity to help one of my friends accomplish something. Who wouldn’t love that job every day?

Here are 5 Reasons I’m thankful for you, my clients, as we head into Thanksgiving next week. Some are things you’ve taught me about how to run my own business. Some are things I’ve learned about myself having worked with you. And some are things I appreciate about you knowing I could never accomplish what you’ve accomplished!

Reason #1

I’m thankful every client I work with has one thing in common—what they do helps others. In 17+ years of doing this, every client I work with is doing something to serve others. I’ve worked with businesses who help their clients deploy IT solutions with excellence and speed. I’ve worked with non-profits who are changing their communities and changing the world. And I’ve worked with churches who bring good news to the broken, burnt out, and bored. Thank you! It is so refreshing to help leaders who love serving their customers, supporters, and communities.

Reason #2

I’m thankful for the inspiration I get watching you start and build successful organizations. Starting anything is scary. There is risk involved. Financial risk. Personal risk. Even the risk to your reputation. Many of you started your own business, your own non-profit, or planted a church. As a self-starter among you, I’m blown away by your fearless leadership. It’s inspiring. Thank you.

Reason #3

I’m thankful for your humility. Working with me means you are willing to admit you need help growing your impact. You aren’t afraid to seek help. You know you haven’t figured it all out on your own. You don’t have all the answers. You are not a one-person show. And you are willing to trust someone else to help you grow. My own personality and wiring leads me to be selfish, unwilling to ask for help, and hesitant to trust others with ‘my baby’. Thank you for showing me arrogance is foolish when growing an organization.

Reason #4

I’m thankful you show me real leaders come in all shapes and sizes. I work with clients in a variety of fields. They are all over the map, literally. I have clients from California to New York. One client has an all-female leadership team. Another is a husband and wife team. Another is a client with more irons in the fire than he can hold. There is no rhyme or reason as to which ‘type’ is successful. When I get overly self-reflective and self-doubt creeps in, you remind me a great leader is not one size. I can stick to being me. Thank you for being you.

Reason #5

I’m thankful you help me make a living doing something I love. I hope you can see from this list, I have a lot to be thankful for. I get to help great leaders, great organizations, great businesses, and great churches. I never get bored. I learn a ton. I am challenged to grow my own skills and my own business. I love what I do. Without you, I would not have it. Thank you for letting me help you grow your impact for 17 years and counting.

Here’s to many more clients and life-giving brands like you who make the world a better place!