4 Fast Friday Wins Archive
2021-04-23 11:06

Issue 004

4 Freaky Fast Friday Hits (2min. read)

1. Something to try…

Hate typing the same thing over and over on your iPhone? Yeah, me too. Try text replacement. Go to Settings > General > Keyboard > Text Replacement.

Hit the “+” button in the upper RH corner. Then, type the common phrase you want to create a shortcut for and a shortcut.

Here are a few shortcuts I set up. To keep it simple, I start all shortcuts with the “;” character 😉. (On the left is the shortcut I type. On the right is the phrase it spits out.)
  • ;web1 = https://robbyf.com
  • ;web4 = https://diybrandsite.com
  • ;phone = 870.587.6229
  • ;em1 = robby@robbyf.com
  • ;cal1 = https://calendly.com/robbyf

(Bonus: If your Mac and iPhone have the same iCloud account, your shortcuts will sync to both!)

What other type-replacement hacks do you have or know of?

2. Something a client recently asked…

A client recently booked a “Borrow My Brain” session for her big speaking engagement. I questioned who the audience was, what her topic was, and what she wanted to accomplish (Step 1 of The Radical Empathy Brand Framework).

The topic was “influence.” Her audience was “teens.” And her goal was to help teens become positive influences.

Here is how we clarified her talk…

First, we used the From…To…Transformation formula to set an aim for her talk. Her talk would help teens go from influenceable to influential.

Second, we re-positioned the start of her talk in light of her audience. Most teens do not wake up worried about being ‘less influenced.’ They are, however, terribly concerned with fitting in. This desire makes them vulnerable to peer pressure (ie influenceable).

Last, we expanded her “goal” for the talk. She came in with her goal for her audience. However we also explored her business goals for the talk. What did she want this talk to do for her business?

It is easy to get so excited about the business of giving the talk we fail to think about the talk for our business.

How do you plan out your talks or presentations? Have any tricks up your sleeve?

3. Something to think about…

I heard this quote from a podcast recently. It stopped me in my tracks whilst on my walk…
We tend to evaluate ourselves based on our intentions, but others based on their behavior.

Ouch! Guilty!

How do you fair? Can you relate?

4. Something personal…

I am an Enneagram 5, often called “The observer.” On the whole, 5s struggle to recognize and understand their feelings.

So let me bluntly admit…I am not great at “feeling things.” I’m definitely not good at “feeling things in public.” This is true in my personal brand for sure. And I bet it keeps you—my dear audience—at arm’s length.

One action step I am attempting to take is including this “Something personal” section in my 4 Freaky Fast Friday Wins email.

Believe me, I want to bail! To disappear behind the veil. I have even come up with a different #4, because #4 makes me feel afraid, insecure, and vulnerable.

But alas, I press on. Why? Because you are worth it!

Got any advice for sharing more of you with your audience? Would love to know.

Keep building a life-giving brand.